In any power plant, there is a need of fuel
which needs to be burnt to generate heat which in turn is used to produce steam
and ultimately to produce electricity. In fossil fuel based plants, the fuel is
coal or gas. There are different types of fuels, such as heavy metal fuels like
naturally occurring uranium, enriched uranium 235U, plutonium (Pu)
or their appropriate mixtures can be used in nuclear reactors. The radioactive
isotopes – 235U and 239/240Pu are fissile materials,
meaning that the radioisotopes can undergo fission reaction to produce energy, termed
as nuclear energy. Very highly radioactive fission products (see the reaction
below) are also produced in the fission reaction. The half-lives of these
fission products vary from seconds to several years. In addition to the release
of energy during fission reaction, the decaying fission produce in the fuel
generates large amount of heat (termed as decay heat). The heat from the fuel
is utilized to produce steam via suitable heat exchanger systems.
In nuclear reactors, this rate of fission
reaction is controlled, by design, to ensure proper and safe utilization of the
released energy.
In the reactors, nuclear fission reaction is
induced using a sub-atomic particle, neutron. For example, heavy metal, 235U
absorbs a neutron in the reactor to become an unstable nucleus 236U,
which splits into two lighter and highly unstable products fission products,
three neutrons and a lot energy. The unstable fission products quickly decay to
finally become 137Cs (a beta-gamma emitter) and 90Sr (a
beta emitter) with half-lives of around 30 years.
The 238U isotope forms about 99.27%
of natural uranium. In the nuclear reactors, due to the neutron absorption, a
small percentage of the uranium isotope gets converted through nuclear
reactions, to plutonium isotopes which are again good fissile materials and can
be used in nuclear weapons, and as part of mixed nuclear fuel used in “breeder”
reactors. The remaining portion of the spent fuel consists of depleted uranium
(DU) where the percentage of fissile 235U is reduced due to the
fission reaction in the reactor to below the existing level of 0.72% in natural
uranium fuel.
After the useful life of the nuclear fuel in
the reactor, the highly radioactive fuel is called Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF). As
such, SNF does not have further use as nuclear fuel.
In addition to the fission products,
plutonium, depleted uranium, the SNF also contains minor actinides which include
long-lived and relatively long-lived isotopes of neptunium (237Np),
americium (241Am and 243Am) and curium (242Cm,
244Cm). These are also useful radioisotopes. Efforts are underway to
separate the fission product radionuclides chemically from the waste and use
them as radiation sources in industrial applications of radioisotopes.
In countries where nuclear power has a
considerable share in electricity production and has adequate uranium
resources, the SNF is considered as nuclear waste and is disposed of or stored
safely in isolation from the biosphere. In
countries like India, where there is shortage of uranium and need plutonium as
fuel for the future up-coming reactors, the SNF is the resource material which can be reprocessed chemically to
separate the useful plutonium and depleted uranium from the spent fuel.
It is reported that India now retains the right to reprocess the SNF in India, with all the safety aspects considered, from upcoming Kudankulam nuclear power plant instead of sending them away to Russia.
It is reported that India now retains the right to reprocess the SNF in India, with all the safety aspects considered, from upcoming Kudankulam nuclear power plant instead of sending them away to Russia.